Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- Alan Stuemke and Mr. Jamie Sain requested Board consent to enter into discussions with Smyrna regarding the Fall Creek Water Transmission Main project. Mr. Stuemke stated that CUD would like to proceed with talks on extending the new water line and replacing an existing water line. Coordination between CUD and Smyrna will be mutually beneficial. Mr. Stuemke stated that Smyrna has the same bid process as CUD. Mr. Stuemke provided a map and explained that the redlines are the proposed areas with CUD and Smyrna. Mr. Stuemke further stated that portions of the overall project would be solely CUD’s responsibility to acquire easements and construct the water main, likewise for Smyrna. Mr. Stuemke said an agreement that details the coordination efforts, and the proportion of the applicable costs will be submitted for the Board’s approval in the near future. President Woodruff stated they were allowed to work with Smyrna on an agreement.
- Stuemke and Mr. Sain presented information regarding the Paw Paw Springs Road and Del Thomas Road water line options. During their investigation, the most suitable location for a pump station to supply water to the customers CUD acquired from Nolensville College Grove Utility District (NCGUD), is along Independent Hill Road. Doing so will expand the pressure zone in that area, eliminating the need for a new water line along Del Thomas and Paw Paw Springs Road, saving the utility $550,000. The reason for re-evaluating this area is to match the existing pressures experienced by the NCGUD customers to avoid complaints. The second reason is to minimize the cost. Mr. Stuemke presented four options for discussion. Mr. Stuemke stated that since CUD is obtaining NCGUD customers, CUD would need to acquire an easement from Mr. Smotherman. Commissioner Lynch asked if we would condemn Mr. Smotherman’s property. Mr. Stuemke said we would try not to, but we would propose something new to the Board. Commissioner Lynch commented on Mr. Smotherman’s issues with one of his neighbors and that Mr. Smotherman’s septic field lines must be addressed. Mr. Stuemke stated that we would adjust to prevent the problems with his septic lines. President Carter read the Minutes from April 2013, May 2013, July 2013, August 2014, and November 2014 to remind the Board of what had transpired in the past regarding the property owned by Mr. Smotherman. With the addition of NCGUD’s customers, the need for water now affects 79 customers; ten years ago, it only affected 10 homes. Mr. Roger Goodson stated that Mr. Stuemke wanted to show the Board some options and that Mr. Stuemke had not talked with Mr. Smotherman yet. Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick noted that she liked Option 3B. President Woodruff stated the Nolensville residents will get better pressure for the water they already have. President Woodruff said that staff may proceed with talking to Mr. Smotherman and then come back to the board with an update. Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick requested an estimate on the cost of an easement for Mr. Smotherman.
- Stuemke and Mr. Sain presented information regarding the aesthetic options for the Midland Road Water Pump Station (CIP-22-10-001). They requested the Board’s choice of exterior wall and roof color options from a chart provided. Commissioner Lynch said he likes Arcadia Greenf for the roof and Sandstone for the walls. After a discussion, Mr. Matthew Tucker asked the Board to send him a couple of options, rather than trying to pick from the entire color chart. This was agreeable to everyone.
- Stuemke and Mr. Sain presented a revised cost-sharing plan for the Masonbrooke subdivision. Mr. Stuemke stated that a cost-sharing plan was approved at the January 2024 Board meeting. Mr. Stuemke explained that the cost is higher because the developer must remove excess rock for a wider trench required for the larger 24-inch water main compared to the narrower trench for an 8-inch water main. The developer also stated the rock is more significant than first thought. Mr. Stuemke recommended that the Board authorize Mr. Roger Goodson, General Manager, to sign the cost-sharing agreement once the developer has signed it, sign the cost-sharing reconciliation form prepared by CUD based on the final quantities of water line and appurtenances as construction, and issue the corresponding contribution to the developer. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the change order with revisions as written, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Bryant Bradley came forward to request the Board to approve an update to the Payment Plan Extension Policy. Mr. Bradley explained CUD does not have a maximum amount of times a customer can request a payment extension. He explained the new policy would allow for one payment extension within a six-month period. Mr. Bradley stated that the new policy would be effective January 1, 2025. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the revisions to the Payment Extension Policy as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Bradley presented the Board with a revision to the Landlord Policy and named it the Landlord Property Registration and Revert Policy. Mr. Bradley explained that we have a Landlord agreement in which the billing reverts to the landlord’s name when a tenant moves out. Mr. Bradley explained that the revised policy would require landlords to register their property with CUD before any tenants occupy the space if they require the tenant to put the water service in their name. Landlords would also be responsible for a transfer service fee each time this occurs. This policy would also make the landlord responsible for the final billing of the tenant in the event the tenant doesn’t make the final payment. Mr. Bradley stated the landlord would be notified of all final bills. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the new policy with a start date of January 1, 2025. This motion passed with three yeses and one nay.
- Bradley presented the Board with details on a new policy regarding security deposits. Mr. Bradley proposed that CUD start charging $100 for new water service and $100 for new sewer service to go into effect January 1, 2025. CUD would not go back to existing customers and charge this fee. Mr. Bradley explained that the deposit fee would be based on the size of the meter. He said the $100 was for a customer with 5/8-inch meters. This would only apply to new customers. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Goodson introduced bid results for the approval to purchase a new Directional Drill/Bore Machine to replace our current 2016 Vermeer and trailer. Mr. Bradley stated that two vendors submitted three bids, and he presented a bid tab sheet and recommended approving the 2024 Vermeer D20X22S3 Directional Bore Machine with Behnke Trailer complete with accessories. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Stuemke and Mr. Sain presented a condemnation request for a water line easement at Highway 99 and Veterans Parkway as part of TDOT’s road widening project. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Goodson presented an agreement between CUD and the City of Murfreesboro for a general water line relocation agreement. This agreement would establish the framework for reimbursable costs for applicable projects with the City. Mr. Goodson is asking the Board to approve the agreement and authorize President Carter to execute this agreement upon receipt of the corresponding instrument the City has executed. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Sain presented Change Order #4, Kingwood/Windrow water line replacement for roadway repairs. Mr. Sain explained that the Rutherford County Highway Department had notified CUD of a road failure in a curve of Kingwood Lane. It was determined that the water line replacement project near 2356 Kingwood Road had caused water to stand on the roadway for extended periods. The Rutherford County Highway Department required CUD to repair the road failure. Mr. Sain requests the Board to approve Change Order #4 for Contract 121- Kingwood-Windrow Water Line Replacement for $11,818,37. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the payment of the change order, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Kristy Koostra presented an Authorized Signers Resolution for Board approval to add her as an authorized signer as outlined in CUD’s Charter and Bylaws. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mike Sumner presented bid results for the Pure Flash Array update. Mr. Sumner explained that CUD needs to upgrade our storage array devised for DDS to Flash Array, allowing for CUD to remain on continued support. Mr. Sumner stated that five vendors submitted bids and recommended going with the lowest bid from Mainline Information Systems for $109,937.03. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Sumner presented an agreement with NorthStar BPR. Mr. Sumner requests the Board to approve the agreement which would move NorthStar to their cloud environment and use NorthStar 6.6. CUD currently uses NorthStar 6.4 in production and 6.6 in QA. Mr. Sumner stated the yearly cost is $71,080, which includes $10,000 for setup. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Chris Forte presented the High Service Pump Variable Frequency Drive Replacement bid results. Mr. Forte explained that the variable frequency drive (VFD) had recently failed. It was installed during the 2004-2006 WTP expansion.
Below are the results:
o MP Predictive Technologies…………$41,467.40
o Wascon………………………………….$41,798.76
o Water & Waste Equip…………………$41,610.00
o Native Instinct………………………….$62,081.00
Mr. Forte recommends awarding the bid to Wascon over the three other bids. He explained that MP Predictive would not fit in our area, Water & Waste Equipment was not a Danfos, and their lead time was double. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Jeff Reed stated that Commissioner Rosemary Owen’s term would expire on November 15, 2024. He asked the Board to approve the petition listing Ms. Rosemary Owens, Mr. Phillip ‘Chip’ Pinion, and Mr. Allen Swader as nominees to present to the County Mayor. A motion was made to accept the petition, and this motion passed unanimously.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- President Woodruff recognized a visitor, Ms. Mary Ann Bennett of Paw Paw Springs Road, to the meeting. Ms. Mary Ann Bennett has visited the board meetings several times requesting CUD provide water to her home. She wanted to know why her neighbors had not received letters from CUD about purchasing a piece of their property for a possible location for the new pump station. Mr. Alan Stuemke stated that he would follow up with his team, and he said that they are evaluating the best area for the new pump station before they send letters to property owners. Mr. Roger Goodson, General Manager, assured Ms. Bennet that things were moving forward as quickly as possible.
- President Woodruff recognized a second visitor to the meeting. Mr. Chris Maguire of Huddleston Engineering attended the meeting to observe the discussion regarding adding more lots to Richmond’s Retreat. Mr. Maguire works directly with residential developers. Considering Mr. Maguire’s visit, President Woodruff suggested the Board go directly to the agenda item.
- Jason Laxson came forward to present a request to add seven lots to Section 6 of Richmond Retreat. Mr. Laxson stated that Richmond Retreat has 118 approved lots, with space for 11 more. If the proposed seven lots in Section 6 are approved, four will serve as surplus capacity. A motion was made to accept the request to add seven additional lots to Richmond’s Retreat, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- The Board meeting minutes from June 25, 2024, were discussed. A motion was made to approve the minutes, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Randy Harrell presented an update to CUD’s Lead Service Line Inventory. He stated that the lead service report is due to TDEC in October 2024, which Mr. Derek Bumpus, Lab Director, will submit at the end of this month. Mr. Harrell explained that all testing was complete, and our system had no lead.
- Laxson and Ms. Macy Brummitt presented the Board with a Soil Loading Rate Chart. Mr. Laxson said the current STEP Design Standards state the maximum drip field hydraulic loading rate to be 0.15 gallons per day per square foot. Ms. Brummitt stated that our chart matches State standards, but our chart also allows for shallow clays. Mr. Laxson noted that we have been doing this, but they wanted to create a chart to hand out to developers for clarity and planning purposes. Mr. Laxson stated that he wanted the Board to know about this chart and how his department would use it. The Board liked the new chart and felt it would be very helpful to developers going forward.
- Bradley presented an application for CUD to join the NorthStar 7 Pilot Program. He explained that NorthStar is CUD’s primary software platform for customer account information and billing. Mr. Bradley stated that NorthStar’s pilot program is based around Version 7, and the regular cost is $35,000, but for participants in the pilot program, it has been discounted to $20,000. Mr. Bradley recommends becoming a NorthStar 7 Pilot Program member to understand the software well before implementation. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Bradley presented bid information for the fencing project at Crescent Glen, which included removing the old fence and installing a new high tensile (12 gauge) fence along the perimeter of CUD’s property. He stated that two vendors submitted bids. Northside Construction Company’s project cost totaled $56,195. Premier Fence’s project cost totaled $49,591.27. Mr. Bradley recommends approving the bid submitted by Premier Fence. After discussion, Commissioner Lynch motioned to accept the request as proposed, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
- Jamie Sain presented Change Order Number 2—Midland Road Pump Station regarding the lightning protection system specified in the project plans, which he stated was not aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Sain stated that Hawkins and Price found an alternative option: a France Paratonnerres Single Mast Early Streamer Emission (ESE) System for $55,718, increasing the contract price by $33,048. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented and to allow Mr. Roger Goodson, General Manager, to sign the change order. This motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Sain requested that the Board authorize Mr. Roger Goodson, General Manager, to execute the TDOT Utility Easement Contract and supplement the original TDOT Utility Relocation Contract. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Cindy Judkins presented a request to amend CUD’s current employee benefit for the Dependent Care FSA Program. Ms. Judkins requests that we adopt employer participation at a 50% participation rate to help subsidize dependent care, effective January 2025. Ms. Judkins also stated that the more employees we have to sign up for this program, the more CUD can get a tax break. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the proposal as presented, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Judkins proposed an amendment to the current retirement eligibility and plan benefit. Ms. Judkins stated that at this time, eligible employees are paid for all their sick time at their current salary rate when they retire. Ms. Judkins stated that CUD is one of the few companies that pay out sick time. Ms. Judkins noted that the new proposal would put a cap of 400 hours as a direct payout and that the balance would transfer to TCRS as part of their retirement package, ensuring that employees are not losing anything. Ms. Judkins supplied a table outlining how this policy would be implemented and the timeline in which it would happen. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the new retirement benefit plan, the motion was seconded, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Jimmy Hailey gave an update on some projects, such as opening bids for Del Thomas, which will take place soon, and plans to present the bids at the September Board meeting; the line extension for Rocky Fork will go out for bid soon; the pump station is the only construction project; Hudson Road water main pipes are in; and Leanna Road water main pipes are in.
- Roger Goodson asked Mr. Chris Forte, Director of Water Resources, to update the Board on the current water production pumped within the county. Mr. Forte stated that water production was up three million gallons a day in July over the previous month and peaked at 28.79 million gallons per day. Much of the additional usage is from irrigation systems, which will need to be addressed in the future as our plant gets closer to peak production.
- Goodson asked Mr. Mike Sumner, Director of IT, to give an update on the recent global issues with the software CrowdStrike. Mr. Sumner stated that the CrowdStrike issue affected everyone, not just CUD. Mr. Sumner also stated that only two of the 119 PCs used by CUD employees were affected by the issue causing blue screens and that the IT team worked an additional 40 hours correcting the issue before everything was okay.
- Goodson informed the Board that several employees participated in an Active Violence Response Training presented by Joshua Crain of Crain Defense Solutions. Mr. Goodson said it was very interactive and informative.
- Goodson stated that the Customer Service Department has been transferred under the supervision of Mr. Bryant Bradley.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- President Woodruff recognized a visitor to the meeting, Ms. Mary Ann Bennett, who came forward to ask for an update on the progress of getting water to her Paw Paw Springs Road home. Mr. Roger Goodson, General Manager, stated that things are moving forward and that an agreement was signed with Nolensville Utility District a few months ago. Mr. Goodson stated that since then, we have been obtaining the necessary easements and looking to purchase property in the area to build a new pump station to service the homes.
- Goodson assured Ms. Bennett that we were moving as quickly as possible and had a time frame in the contract with Nolensville to complete this project. Ms. Bennett said she could talk with her neighbors about selling land for the pump station because her neighbors would like to see her get water. Mr. Stuemke, Director of Engineering, said he would have his office contact Ms. Bennett for more details. Ms. Bennett thanked the Board for their time and left the meeting.
- The Board meeting minutes from May 28, 2024, were discussed. A motion was made to approve the minutes, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Randy Harrell and Mr. Taylor Helton presented the Board with a Lead and Copper Service Lines Inventory report. Mr. Harrell stated that CUD has found no lead in their water service lines to date. Mr. Harrell further stated that Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) reports are due to the State by October 16, 2024. If no lead is found in the remaining service lines yet to be inventoried, CUD would be able to obtain Lead-Free Certification from TDEC. Mr. Helton highlighted the lead detector the WQ team have been using and showed it the board. He explained that his team tried many others, but this one was the best at determining lead, copper, and galvanized metals. The Board was impressed with their work and thanked Mr. Harrell and Mr. Helton for their time.
- Craig presented a proposal for commercial insurance services to cover the District’s property, crime, and cyber liability from Marsh McLennan/LGIP. Mr. Craig explained that we have used Marsh McLennan since 2016. They contacted us and said our rates would increase 25% over last year’s rates due to the elevated number of claims from natural disasters that have occurred predominantly in the coastal states. Mr. Craig recommends accepting the Marsh McLennan/LGIP premiums for the 2025 fiscal year. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the proposal as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Jeff Reed presented the Board with a request for condemnation for the property on Highway 231 South belonging to Aaron R. Payne. Mr. Reed explained that CUD filed a petition for condemnation for a 30’ permanent water utility easement on 0.27 acres, and a 20’ temporary water utility easement on 0.18 acres. An Order of Possession was entered for $5,200.00 and recorded on March 24, 2023, Book 2331, page 2654 of the Register of Deeds Office for Rutherford County. The Defendant has contested the valuation of these easements. Mr. Reed recommended that we settle and close the case by offering $25,272.65 based on comps in the area because our previous valuations may have been a little low. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Alan Stuemke presented a request for condemnation for 2489 New Salem Highway, Randal Salem Creek Corporation. He explained that this water line easement needs to be completed by October 2024, which follows TDOT’s project schedule. This is the third stage of the Highway 99 Water Main Relocation project. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request for condemnation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Stuemke presented a condemnation request for 2851-2883 New Salem Highway, property owners Bhadresh Patel and Dhara Mukesh Chaudhary. Mr. Stuemke stated that his department had sent letters to both property owners and received a phone call from their attorney on April 4, 2024, with questions regarding the project and additional information and exhibits, which we fulfilled. On June 18, 2024, Ms. Dixon received an email from the attorney, who stated that his client had advised him that he would accept $50,000 as compensation for the requested easements. Mr. Stuemke stated that our policy offers significantly less and that we base our amount on tax records. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Stuemke presented a proposed land swap with Swanson Development. Swanson Development owns the property where CUD needs to relocate the tank access road to one of our pump stations and is willing to swap/trade that property for the property CUD owns at the existing tank access road. CUD’s legal team has contacted Swanson Development concerning this proposed property swap, and they agree to it in principle. Mr. Stuemke asks the Board to authorize the General Manager, Roger Goodson (and/or his designee), and Jeff Reed, Legal Counsel, to negotiate the terms of this property swap that would then be presented to the Board for final approval or denial. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request and obtain an easement, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Chris Forte, Water Treatment Plant Director, presented bid results for Powder Activated Carbon (PAC). Mr. Forte recommends awarding the bid to CITCO Water/Aulick’s PAC based on weighted performance results, which were the best we ever tested. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
- Jimmy Hailey provided an update. He stated that the new pump station at Midland is moving along, and the pump pads will be completed in about a week. Mr. Hailey stated that everything tested satisfactorily, and the concrete was good.
- President Woodruff requested to temporarily suspend the regular meeting and go into an executive session to discuss the possibility of pending litigation. A motion was made to accept the request, it was seconded and passed unanimously.
- The meeting went into an Executive Session. After discussion, a motion was made to return to the regular board meeting, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Alan Stuemke provided the attached Engineering Report and Easement Acquisition Status Report, summarizing work accomplished in May 2024.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- President Woodruff welcomed Mr. Jeff Konieczny and Mr. Whitfield Hamilton, two developers of the Speedway South Development. They were given the opportunity to introduce themselves because their development was on the board’s agenda. In a show of respect, President Woodruff said that since they were present, we would proceed with their agenda item now.
- Mr. Alan Stuemke came forward to present a cost-sharing agreement to improve and expand water utilities for the Speedway South Development. Mr. Stuemke explained that CUD and the developer would share equally in the cost of the improvements that directly benefit the development. Mr. Stuemke asks the Board to approve the agreement and authorize its execution. After the discussion, a motion was made to approve the presented request, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Bryant Bradley and Mr. Joe Fisher presented the Wastewater Tank Riser Project. Mr. Bradley stated that this project began in April 2021 when approximately 3400 rises were identified as needing rehabilitation. The Hydro Excavation System was selected for this project due to its low impact on the customers’ property and the need to eliminate the need for heavy equipment. Mid-State Hydrovac submitted a bid and was selected based on their price for the excavation and labor cost to rebuild the risers and backfill. Mr. Fisher stated that each lid was located and flagged. He further stated that some riser lids were buried under new concrete driveways, electrical conduits, or concrete landscape curbing. Mr. Bradley stated that they are near the end of this project. As of this date, 3,720 total buried rises have been rehabilitated at a total cost of $1,223,880.
- Mr. Roger Goodson presented a new legal services agreement. Mr. Goodson stated that the original agreement was signed in 2016 at a rate of $285.00 per hour, and it has not been increased. After the discussion, a motion was made to increase the hourly rate to $310.00, as requested, and to review the agreement each year with the Budget, seconded by Commissioner Owens. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke approached the Board regarding the northern portion of the Southern Harmony Development. Mr. Stuemke stated that cross-access agreements are needed to locate two pipeline easements where the force mains cross the gas easements. Mr. Stuemke asks the Board to authorize Roger Goodson, General Manager, to execute the agreements with Colonial Pipe and Atmos Pipe. After the discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke stated that he was seeking approval to enter into an agreement with Aspen Grove Development regarding improvements to water utilities as required by the Town of Smyrna. The developer has agreed to the terms and conditions in the attached agreement, comprising 2,900 feet of 8-inch water main. Mr. Jimmy Hailey stated that the project was on our list of Capital Improvement Plan projects and that partnering with Aspen Grove would save us money. After the discussion, a motion was made to approve the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented Change Order No. 1 for Contract 222, Berkshire Subdivision. Mr. Stuemke explained that the work for Contract 222 is complete and includes replacing approximately 275 residential water service lines and installing check valves for 45 existing fire hydrants. Mr. Stuemke stated that this change order increases the contract price by 15.94%. After the discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented Change Order No. 1 for Contract 622, Vincion Road water line extension. Mr. Stuemke explained that this change order would complete the contract. He further stated that 14 new water taps were purchased, and the contractor installed these as part of this project. Mr. Stuemke stated that this change order increases the contract price by 3.59%. After the discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a cost-sharing agreement for approval with Farmhouse Downs, Section 1-1 and 1-2. Mr. Stuemke stated that the developer wants to share the cost with CUD to upsize 470 feet of water line along Haven Drive from 8 to 12 inches. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a request to condemn Andrew M. Jarrett’s Property along Highway 99, which is part of TDOT’s third phase of road widening along Highway 99 from Cason Lane to Veteran’s Parkway. Mr. Stuemke stated that his department has made multiple attempts to contact the property owner without a response. Mr. Stuemke further stated that CUD does not have a water account associated with this address, but the owner has a CUD account with another property. After discussion, the Board stated they would not act until we had exhausted all efforts to contact the property owner.
- Mr. Hudson informed the Board that he previously stated the case with the Kings was resolved last month, but that has since changed. The Kings would not honor the agreed order. Mr. Hudson stated he has filed a Motion To Enforce and is awaiting word from the King’s attorney.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey stated there was a progress meeting earlier today, and he would like to share a few things discussed, such as Windrow Road being now paved; he will meet with the Rutherford County Road Superintendent regarding Kingwood Road; and the concrete poured for the new pump station not meeting specifications, possibly because of how the concrete was mixed. They will keep testing the integrity of the samples.
- Mr. Goodson informed the Board that John Law, Asset Manager, completed the Asset Management Plan, which is required by the State to reimburse CUD through the ARP grant process. Mr. Goodson also stated that we are possibly the only utility in the State that has completed the Asset Management Plan as required.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Craig presented the Board with a request for periodic fleet vehicle replacements. He proposes we buy four new F-150s currently in stock and auction/sell three high-mileage units. He also proposes we buy two new F-550s and auction/sell one F-550 and one F-450 currently in use. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig presented the Board with a request to increase the employer contribution from 5.22% to 6.07% based on TCRS’s employer ADC rate for fiscal year 2025, beginning July 1, 2024. A motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig presented bid results to replace our current Enterprise Resource Planning software. Three bids were submitted. Mr. Craig recommends accepting the proposal from Blytheco. They have an Acumatica cloud-based solution with an open API platform, allowing it to integrate with other software. A motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke directed the Board to a handout of a revised memo to replace the memo in their packet regarding the easement request for Rucker Lane. He explained that the handout includes the cost to the engineers of $11,569.80, which was omitted in error. Mr. Alan Stuemke stated he was requesting Board approval for the partial abandonment of three easements along Rucker Lane. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented Change Order Number 2 for Contract 419 (South Loop Transmission Main—Phase 1), associated with Change Order Number 1, now that the work is complete. This is the final adjustment to the contract for the actual quantities made. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented Change Order Number 3 for Contract 121 (Kingwood-Windrow Water Line Replacement) to request Board approval for Roger Goodson, General Manager, to execute Change Order Number 3 for an amount up to $69,362.00. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Sumner presented information regarding our Customer Information System by NorthStar. Mr. Sumner requests permission from the Board to give Roger Goodson, General Manager, the authority to sign a contract with NorthStar. Mr. Sumner further explained that NorthStar would visit on-site to assess our protocols and utilization of NorthStar and then generate a report with their findings. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Sumner presented a request for approval for travel to a NorthStar conference for two attendees. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- The 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Board Travel Planner was presented for review and approval. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the travel as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- The 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Employee Travel Planner was presented to the Board for review and approval. Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick stated that she would like to see the total estimated cost of attending the conferences listed. Mr. Goodson stated that the cost of travel will be in line with the budget, which will be presented in May. He further stated that we needed to request approval to book hotels. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Hudson stated that he is still working with Nolensville Water on an anticipated agreement. We have made some substantial changes to the contract, and Nolensville is reviewing it.
- Jimmy Hailey, Engineering Consultant, updated the Board and stated we held three progress meetings with the contractors responsible for the following projects, Contract 121, Contracts 321 & 622, and Contract 419 & 222. He said everything was on schedule and going well.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Goodson presented the Capital Improvement Plan summary at the meeting earlier. A motion was made to adopt the Capital Improvement Plan, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Sumner presented a quote from Presidio to replace aging switches with the latest model, Meraki. Presidio offered Tennessee NASPO contract prices; therefore, this was not put out to bid. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the purchase as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Sumner presented bid results for approval to purchase a new drone. Mr. Sumner explained that two bids were received. Topcon did not meet the requirements as outlined in the bid specs. Duncan Parnel submitted a bid of $46,750.00 and met all the requirements. Mr. Sumner said the GIS Team recommends choosing Duncan Parnell. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a revised cost-sharing request for Brewer Point Subdivision. The original request was presented and approved on April 25, 2023. The estimated cost to CUD is $229,370, an increase of $121,601 from the original request. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented Change Order #2 to the Kingwood-Windrow Water Line project (Contract 121). This request involves installing approximately 450 feet of 16-inch water main along Stewart Creek Road to replace the existing 8-inch water main. Mr. Stuemke requests the board give approval for the General Manager to sign the change order once signed by the contractor. A motion was made to approve the change order as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a request for condemnation for a water line easement at 4049 Old Salem Road. He explained that after multiple attempts to reach the property owner by mail or phone, the property owner has been unresponsive. Mr. Stuemke recommends pursuing condemnation to acquire these easements. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig presented a resolution for Old Salem Road Transmissions Main, declaring the intent of CUD to reimburse itself for capital expenditures pertaining to Old Salem Road Transmission Main. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the resolution, and this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig presented a resolution for Midland Road Pump Station, declaring the intent of CUD to reimburse itself for capital expenditures pertaining to Midland Road Pump Station. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the resolution, which passed unanimously.
- Matthew Tucker, James C. Hailey & Co, presented bid results for painting pump station piping systems. The bid included sandblasting and painting the piping system of four pump stations: Coleman Road, Eagleville, Hoover’s Gap, and Milton. One bid was received from Charlie Irwin Paint for $149,402. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the recommendation, which passed unanimously.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Goodson presented the Capital Improvement Plan summary. Commissioner Lynch motioned to adopt the Capital Improvement Plan, seconded by Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Mike Sumner presented a quote from Presidio to replace aging switches with the latest model, Meraki. Presidio offered Tennessee NASPO contract prices; therefore, this was not put out to bid. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the purchase as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Sumner presented bid results for approval to purchase a new drone. Mr. Sumner explained that two bids were received. Topcon did not meet the requirements as outlined in the bid specs. Duncan Parnel submitted a bid of $46,750.00 and met all the requirements. Mr. Sumner said the GIS Team recommends choosing Duncan Parnell. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Alan Stuemke presented a revised cost-sharing request for Brewer Point Subdivision. The original request was presented and approved on April 25, 2023. The estimated cost to CUD is $229,370, an increase of $121,601 from the original request. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented Change Order #2 to the Kingwood-Windrow Water Line project (Contract 121). This request involves installing approximately 450 feet of 16-inch water main along Stewart Creek Road to replace the existing 8-inch water main. Mr. Stuemke requests the board give approval for the General Manager to sign the change order once signed by the contractor. A motion was made to approve the change order as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a request for condemnation for a water line easement at 4049 Old Salem Road. He explained that after multiple attempts to reach the property owner by mail or phone, the property owner has been unresponsive. Mr. Stuemke recommends pursuing condemnation to acquire these easements. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig presented a resolution for Old Salem Road Transmissions Main, declaring the intent of CUD to reimburse itself for capital expenditures pertaining to Old Salem Road Transmission Main. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the resolution. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig presented a resolution for Midland Road Pump Station, declaring the intent of CUD to reimburse itself for capital expenditures pertaining to Midland Road Pump Station. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the resolution. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Matthew Tucker, James C. Hailey & Co, presented bid results for painting the pump station piping systems. He stated the bid included sandblasting and painting the piping system of four pump stations: Coleman Road, Eagleville, Hoover’s Gap, and Milton. One bid was received from Charlie Irwin Paint for $149,402. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the recommendation. This motion passed unanimously.
January 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
- President Woodruff asked Mr. Roger Hudson, legal counsel, to preside over the election of officers for 2024. Mr. Hudson opened the floor for nominations for President. Commissioner Hassel B. (Trey) Smith nominated Mr. Carter Woodruff, seconded by Commissioner Lynnisse Roehrich-Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
- Attorney Hudson opened the floor for nominations for Vice-President. Commissioner Lynch nominated Dr. Rosemary Owens, seconded by Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
- Attorney Hudson opened the floor for nominations for Secretary/Treasurer. Commissioner Owens nominated Mr. Craig Lynch, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
- The officers for 2024 are as follows: President Carter Woodruff, Vice-President Rosemary Owens, and Secretary/Treasurer Craig Lynch.
- Roger Goodson informed the Board they had a travel planner for review and approval. He stated that this planner covers conferences/travel from January 2024 through July 30, 2024. He said we will present another Board Travel Planner to approve for the 24-25 fiscal year in May or June. Approval for the Board Travel will now cover the fiscal year. Commissioner Lynch motioned to approve the Board Travel Planner as presented, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mike Craig presented a list of uncollectible accounts for approval and to write off $37,227.39. After discussion, Commissioner Roehrich-Patrick motioned to accept and write off the uncollectible debt as presented, seconded by Commissioner Owens. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Goodson stated he has been researching the option to start charging rental customers a deposit with the activation fee when they open a new account. This topic will be discussed further at the next board meeting.
- Alan Stuemke presented a cost-sharing plan to upsize approximately 1,780 feet of water line along Cherry Lane from 8-inch to 24-inch for the Masonbrooke Subdivision development. After discussion, Commissioner Lynch motioned to accept the recommendation and authorize the general manager to sign the cost-sharing plan once the developer has signed it, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
- Hudson, legal counsel, gave an update on some legal matters. He stated that Nolensville Utility District returned our proposed agreement with some questions.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
- President Woodruff recognized Mr. Mike Sumner. Mr. Sumner addressed the board to introduce Mr. Brandon Wolak to the Board as the new GIS Manager of the IT/GIS team.
- President Woodruff recognized another visitor to the board meeting. Ms. Vickie Beck came forward to request water service to her son’s home. The home was purchased four years prior on a well that services two homes. Mr. Alan Stuemke stated that he looked at the area and estimated it would cost around $500,000 for CUD to get water to that address. After discussion, Mr. Roger Goodson stated that in February 2024, CUD will meet to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan and that we will be look to see where this water main can fit in the plan.
- President Woodruff welcomed Mr. Stephen Byrd, an Edmonson, Betzler, & Dame auditor. Mr. Byrd presented copies of the audit for the year, which ended June 30, 2023. The report was discussed in detail. Mr. Byrd thanked Mr. Mike Craig and the CUD staff for their timely assistance. Mr. Byrd noted that internal controls were good and as required. The independent auditor’s opinion was that the financial statements presented the district’s financial position and operations ‘…in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles”. Following review and discussion of this report, a motion was made to accept the audit report. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Bryant Bradley presented bid results for a 4X4 Utility Tractor with a loader for Land Management’s use. Three bids were submitted. After comparing the specs of each bid, Mr. Bradley recommended purchasing a Kubota M7060HDC 71 HP Tractor from Krebs Kubota LLC (formerly Murfreesboro Kubota) for $54,472.45. This selection meets the specs outlined and is the lowest of the three bids submitted. A motion was made to accept the recommendation as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Alan Stuemke presented a service area boundary request with the Murfreesboro Water Resources Department. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request and approve the execution of Amendment Eight as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Alan Stuemke presented a cost-sharing agreement with Halls Hill Estates and Walnut Grove Reserve developers to switch from the previous RSF to one of the approved new STEP treatment technologies. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Roger Hudson, legal counsel, inquired about the reappointment of the Board’s Advisors. After discussion, Mr. Hudson said he would write up a Resolution outlining that the current advisors would be on the same yearly schedule for reappointment, which will run from January through December each year.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey stated he held three progress meetings today with various contractors on the status of their current CIP projects.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- President Woodruff recognized a visitor to the board meeting. Commissioner Joshua James of District 9 wished to thank the Board for their help in getting the process started to provide water to the residents of his district.
- Mr. James Hailey, Consulting Engineer, presented a change order request for the South Loop Transmission Main Contract 519, Change Order Number 4, which includes adjustments in the contract price to reflect actual quantities installed throughout the project’s duration. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the change order as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jamie Sain, Engineering Project Manager, presented Change Order Number 1 to the Phase 2 Renovation Project. He stated that the project is now complete, with some additional costs to complete this project for $ 2,928.00. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the change order as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Sain, Engineering Project Manager, presented an easement request for the power supply to the Midland Road Pump Station. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jeff Reed, Legal Counsel, presented a request to authorize Mr. Roger Goodson, General Manager, to execute a Termination of Temporary Ingress/Egress Easement of the Waldron Farms STEP facility now that a new driveway has been constructed on CUD-owned property. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey informed the board that projects are running ahead of schedule since we have had no rain. Midland Road is four to five months ahead. Mr. Hailey said that ductile pipe is no longer an issue to obtain. If there were a delay, it would be because of brass. Windrow Road will have a line installed in a month or so. Mr. Hailey also stated that there will be a pre-construction meeting next Monday about the contracts presented today.
- Mr. Goodson updated the board on several positions that have been filled. He stated CUD has hired a new GIS Manager, Purchasing Agent, and Environmental Specialist. He plans to introduce them at the next board meeting.
- Commissioner Woodruff asked for an update on the Thompson Farms Step system. Mr. Goodson informed the Board that plans are being created for a permanent repair. As of now, TDEC has approved how CUD is running and managing the Thompson Farms STEP system.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
• President Woodruff recognized a visitor/ratepayer to the meeting, who addressed the Board regarding the installation of fire hydrants. He would like four hydrants installed in his subdivision to protect the entire neighborhood. General Manager Roger Goodson stated CUD was reviewing the best option of fire hydrants versus potable water for those who don’t have access to water at this time. Commissioner Patrick went on to say the CUD is developing a plan with criteria that can aid residents and have answers to their questions.
• Mr. Jason Laxson informed the Board that TDEC, effective immediately, is no longer doing quality assurance checks on soils being used for drip irrigation for STEP systems. However, they will check for compliance. Mr. Goodson remarked that we do not need to lessen our standards and should consider adding a soil scientist position to staff that will maintain the best interest of CUD. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to hire an in-house soil scientist as soon as possible in the best interest of CUD. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Laxson presented the Board with a handout listing four scenarios for STEP Treatment Systems’ cost. After discussion, effective September 1, 2023, it is determined that scenarios B, C, and D were the best options to allow developers to choose from.
• Mr. Laxson presented the board with a handout regarding a potential cost-sharing agreement with developers for eight systems. The developers completed the process for STEP system approval before the new types of STEP Treatment Systems were introduced and chosen. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to approve the shared cost with developers. CUD will pay the difference for the cost standard versus the Delta Ecopod (Scenario B) System at $900.00 per lot, and the developers must choose one of CUD’s options B, C, or D. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Laxson presented the Board with information regarding lowering the lot minimum from 60 lots to 40 lots. Developers would be required to choose a pre-manufactured STEP Treatment system. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept to request to lower the minimum from 60 lots to 40 lots with an approved CUD pre-manufactured system. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Mike Sumner presented background information on vendors for CUD’s EAM software. He further stated that the EAM Project Team started with eight vendors. The EAM Project Team completed rating scoresheets from the two vendor demos. Final voting took place on August 3, 2023, and the EAM Project Team selected Cityworks/True North for a three-year contract totaling $628,660. A motion was made and seconded to accept the bid selection as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Bryant Bradley presented an easement request for Middle Tennessee Electric at the Halls Hill Tank Site for electric service to the new Emergency Management Tower. A motion was made and seconded to accept the easement request as presented and to allow the General Manager to sign the agreement. This motion passed unanimously.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Roger Goodson informed the Board that he would like to cancel the current contract with Republic Service at the Water Treatment Plant for solid waste dumpster services. The contract began in 2018 and runs through July 2024. Mr. Goodson explained that we have found another company that can provide the same service for less. We would need to break our contract with Republic and pay them for services rendered with an additional six-month cancellation fee. A motion was made to approve the request as presented and to allow the General Manager to sign a new contract. This motion passed unanimously.
- Jason Laxson presented a handout and PowerPoint presentation on STEP System Design Proposed Updates for Recirculation Sand Filters (RSF). Mr. Laxson also presented a few product samples from the types of STEP systems they have been reviewing and doing site visits on. Mr. Goodson asked them to come back next month with more information on the questions posed at this meeting.
- Mr. Goodson shared with the Board that CUD has switched from TAUD Region 6 to TAUD Region 5 as of July 24, 2023.
- Mr. Goodson stated that CUD’s engineering team will be meeting with Nolensville/College Grove’s engineer to discuss the exact location for the Nolensville/College Grove customer transfer. In addition, Mr. Roger Hudson is working on a draft agreement for the transfer.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Mike Craig presented the Monthly Purchase Report, including the checks and credit card reports. Mr. Craig advised the Board that the renewal for Harris Computer System for NorthStar CIS includes an additional service of $14,686 for Rest API Interface.
- Mr. Roger Goodson presented the Fire Hydrants policy for discussion. Mr. Goodson turned it over to Mr. Alan Stuemke. Mr. Stuemke introduced suggestions for changes to the existing policy. After discussion, it was determined that Mr. Stuemke would bring this back to the Board at a later meeting with other suggestions for the Board to consider.
- Mr. Craig presented the final draft for the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget. A motion was made to approve the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget as presented and was seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Bryant Bradley presented a request for travel approval for two employees to attend the annual Itron User Conference. The estimated cost for travel and registration is $8,560 ($4,280 each). A motion was made and seconded to accept the travel request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Laxson presented a reimbursement request for Creeksbend development. The developer is requesting reimbursement for the cost of the ductile iron pipe over the cost of the PVC pipe for a cost of $6,016. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept the recommendation giving the general manager permission to sign the reimbursement request on behalf of CUD. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey informed the Board of a bid opening that took place regarding the Midland Road Transmission Main, which will feed the new pumping station at Oak Grove and Midland Road. Three bids were received. Mr. Hailey recommended awarding the bid to Hawkins and Price, LLC for $3,849,110, which was the lowest submission. A motion was made to accept the recommendation and was seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jeff Reed shared an update on the Midland Road property. He said that Mr. Joe Mitchell was very helpful with this transaction. Mr. Reed advised the property is now owned by CUD. He also praised Jason Laxson and Will Steele for their work on this project.
- Mr. Goodson informed the Board that Nolensville replied to CUD’s offer with a higher counteroffer than anticipated. He will respond with a counteroffer within the perimeters of the amount approved by the Board at a previous meeting.
- Mr. Goodson informed the Board that he contacted Chapel Hill to let them know that CUD is unable to assist them with their water needs at this time. Mr. Goodson stated they understood.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- Board President Carter Woodruff asked if there were any questions regarding the previous workshop to review the new policy manual. After a short discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept the policy manual as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- A motion was made and seconded to name the Director Of Operations as the next person authorized to sign checks in the absence of the General Manager. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Bryant Bradley presented the Board with a request from the new owner of Waldron Farms to relocate some electrical lines along the fence line at the owner’s property and CUD’s property at the owner’s expense. CUD would need to grant MTE some overlay easement along the south property line on the drip field. After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Alan Stuemke presented the Board with a condemnation request to acquire the property at Midland Road for the new pump station. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Roger Hudson informed the Board of some questions regarding CUD’s Public Records Request. It has been discussed that we are allowed by TCA to have a policy regarding frequent records requests. Mr. Hudson presented a draft to the Board. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the new policy on frequent requests as presented. This motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- Mr. Goodson informed the Board he made an offer to Nolensville/College Grove Utility District concerning the Paw Paw Springs area and is waiting to hear back from them.
- Mr. Goodson informed the Board that the City of Woodbury is asking for 50 gallons of water per minute for the Readyville area. Mr. Goodson will bring an agreement for the Board to consider at a future meeting which will also include the current interconnection between the two systems.
- Mr. Goodson informed the Board that Chapel Hill has made a request to purchase 300,000 gallons of water a day and to install four miles of the waterline using ARPA funds. Mr. Goodson said he didn’t think there was enough time to get the project completed per the requirements of ARPA and he would let Chapel Hill know we are not interested at this time.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- Board President Carter Woodruff asked if there were any questions regarding the previous workshop to review the new policy manual. After a short discussion, a motion to accept the policy manual as presented was made and passed unanimously.
- A motion was made to name the Director of Operations as the next person authorized to sign checks in the absence of the General Manager. This motion passed unanimously.
- Bryant Bradley presented the Board with a request from the new owner, Mr. Buck Eddington, of Waldron Farms to relocate some electrical lines along the fence line at Mr. Eddington’s property and CUD’s property at the owner’s expense. CUD would need to grant MTE some overlay easement along the south property line on the drip field. After some discussion, a motion to accept the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Alan Stuemke presented the Board with a condemnation request to acquire the property at Midland Road for the new pump station. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the request as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Roger Hudson informed the Board of some questions regarding CUD’s Public Records Request. It has been discussed that we are allowed by TCA to have a policy regarding frequent records requests. Mr. Hudson presented a draft to the Board. After discussion, a motion was made to approve the new policy on frequent requests as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
- Goodson informed the Board that the City of Woodbury is asking for 50 gallons of water per minute for the Readyville area. Mr. Goodson will bring an agreement for the Board to consider at a future meeting, which will also include the current interconnection between the two systems.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Goodson opened the discussion regarding boundary modifications with Gladeville Utility District (GUD) along Bill Francis Boulevard/Highway 452 between I-840 and Highway 231. He stated that he and Mr. Alan Stuemke met with GUD on a couple of occasions to discuss economic ways to provide water service for some large, proposed developments. After discussion, Commissioner Lynch made a motion to approve the boundary modification and to give Mr. Goodson approval to write an agreement with GUD, seconded by Commissioner Owens. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Craig advised the Board of the unprecedented supply chain issue with procuring fleet vehicles through the State contract and/or open bid. Mr. Craig requests approval to temporarily suspend adhering to current State and CUD Purchasing Procedures for fleet purchases only, through June 30, 2024. Mr. Craig further requests approval to obtain a purchase order for four additional F150 trucks from Ford of Murfreesboro off the State contract. Commissioner Lynch made a motion to approve the request to temporarily suspend the State and CUD Purchasing Procedures until June 30, 2024, seconded by Commissioner Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke advised the Board of a request to enter into a cost sharing agreement with JTDM Holdings, LLC (developer) to upsize the water main at 6304 and 6826 Shelbyville Pike/Highway 231, which is on the opposite side of Highway 231. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke advised the Board of a request to purchase 2.23 acres of land from Mr. Joe Mitchell, located at the northwest corner of Midland Road and Oak Grove Road for the construction of a new pump station. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Goodson advised the Board of the status of conversations with N/GUD regarding CUD taking back service territory currently being served by N/GUD so we can improve the water service for the current residents, as well as install a water main further down Paw Paw Springs Road. Mr. Goodson seeks permission to negotiate with N/GUD on a cost estimate of up to $250,000 to acquire customers in Paw Paw Springs Road and Del Thomas Road area of the County. Mr. Goodson advised he would like to send a letter to N/GUD requesting this service area revert to CUD at a to-be-determined date after CUD performs improvements to service the area. After discussion, this motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey advised there would be a pre-construction meeting for Contract 321, materials are in for Berkshire, the South loop is progressing pretty well, and all the lines are in for Baker Road, which should be done in about two months.
- Mr. Goodson advised the Board that he and Mr. Stuemke have been in discussions with Mr. Blankenship of the Kittrell Fire District. CUD will help with the placement of fire hydrants purchased by proceeds received by the Kittrell Fire District from its dissolution into Rutherford County.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mr. Goodson presented a memorandum outlining discussions with the City of Murfreesboro and the Corp of Engineers concerning return flows and Murfreesboro’s amount of surplus water storage at J. Percy Priest Reservoir. An agreement would benefit Murfreesboro’s CUD water customers and the Utility as a whole. Mr. Goodson made a recommendation to approve the attached Interlocal Agreement, subject to final Legal review by the Army Corps. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Alan Stuemke presented an easement request from Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) regarding the property on 7990 Highway 99 in Rockvale, TN. Currently, MTE has an approved easement request for this property from CUD, but MTE attorneys require a new easement if there are any changes. The only change within the new easement versus the existing easement is increasing the capacity on their line and replacing the existing poles with taller poles. Mr. Stuemke requests the Board to allow the General Manager to sign the new easement request. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a condemnation request for 4626 Midland Road. Mr. Stuemke stated that his office has tried numerous times, through phone calls, emails, and postal mail, to discuss this request and answer any questions with the homeowners, Mr. and Mrs. Hickernell, to obtain permission for an easement on the property south of their driveway. A final letter will be sent to the homeowner before the February Board meeting. Mr. Stuemke requests the Board to approve this condemnation request in the event Mr. and Mrs. Hickernell do not respond. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a condemnation request for Shelbyville Pike since we are unable to obtain an easement from the homeowner. We have had no response from Mr. Howell. Mr. Stuemke requests the Board to approve the condemnation request if Mr. Howell doesn’t respond to a final letter sent to him before the February Board meeting. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey presented the bid results of the Seminary Road Pump Station demolition. Mr. Hailey recommended awarding the bid to the lowest bidder, B H Holmes Construction, Inc. for $118,140. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Hailey presented the bid results of the Kingwood – Windrow Water Line Replacement. He stated that two bids were received and recommended awarding the contract to Moody Excavating. The developer of Southern Harmony Subdivision, Pulte Group, will be required to pay CUD the base bid. CUD will pay the difference between the base amount and alternative amounts. The base amount is the cost of the water main size needed to serve the back portion of their development. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a cost-sharing plan for upsizing a water main for the Turney Property Development. CUD will reimburse the developer the difference in the cost to upsize from a 12-inch to a 16-inch ductile iron pipe for $25,609. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Stuemke presented a correction to an existing STEP system at Walnut Grove Farms development. It was discovered a small segment of the STEP property line did not match the fenced-in area. Mr. Stuemke requests the Board to approve returning this strip of land to the developer and authorize the General Manager to sign the deed, plat, and any other applicable documents to complete thisproperty transaction. This motion passed unanimously.
- Mr. Goodson presented an updated fee schedule for all fees being collected by CUD. After discussion, it is recommended to refer to the tap fee as a System Development Charge (SDC), which is a one-time access fee, of $2,800. The tap set fee is an additional $150 to cover the cost of labor and materials. The meter fee is $250 to cover the cost of labor. The total combined cost is $3,200. The activation fee will increase from $40 to $50, and a new water chlorination and testing fee of .40 cents a foot for a 4”-8” water main size, and .90 cents a foot for a 10” to 12” water main size. This motion passed unanimously.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. Jason Laxon came forward to present seven (7) reimbursement requests for the installation of ductile iron pipe. He further explained that in 2014, CUD made a change to require ductile iron pipe for all mains 4 inches or larger. When the change was made, it was set up to reimburse developers, who had developments underway, the cost difference between PVC pipe and ductile iron. Mr. Laxson informed the Board these reimbursements have come through for the last eight years. Mr. Laxson requests the Board authorize the General Manager to sign the seven reimbursement requests. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Craig informed the board of the recent Brass Bid results. He stated that three vendors submitted bids. He recommended awarding the bid to all three vendors. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Hailey presented bid results from Contract 622, Vincion Road Water Main Extension. He stated that two vendors submitted bids. Mr. Hailey recommended awarding the contract as presented. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Stuemke presented an easement request from Middle Tennessee Electric for property on East Jefferson Pike. There was currently an easement at this location with MTE, but if there are any changes, MTE’s attorneys require a new easement be approved. The only change affecting the current agreement is they are increasing the capacity on their line. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Stuemke presented an agreement for approval for sharing the cost of repaving the Berkshire Subdivision. Mr. Stuemke requests the Board to execute this agreement in triplicate. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Goodson informed the Board that the State of Tennessee approved CUD’s Emergency Operating Plan as presented to them by Health and Safety Manager.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. Alan Stuemke presented a request for condemnation Contract 519-South Loop, Phase II, Change Order 1. Commissioner Lynch made a motion to approve the condemnation request, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Craig presented the Waterworks Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013. He requested approval to pay off the bond of $21M. Commissioner Patrick made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Jimmy Hailey presented Contract 321-Rural Water Line bid results. There were six submissions received. Commissioner Lynch made a motion to award the bid to G. Meeks, seconded by Commissioner Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Hailey presented Contract 519, Change order—Volatility Adjustment. After discussion, Commissioner Lynch made a motion to accept the contract change, seconded by Commissioner Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Goodson stated that he and Mr. Alan Stuemke attended the recent Rutherford County Planning Commission meeting regarding fire hydrant spacing and fire flow changes to the Fire Code. Fire hydrants in new subdivisions will be spaced at 500 feet compared to the current 1,000 feet. The fire flow was continued at the current 500 gallons per minute instead of the proposed 1,000 gallons per minute.
• Mr. Goodson advised the board that Invoice Cloud has given a 60-day notice of a rate increase. Our current rate is $1.75. It will increase to $2.15. It is CUD’s policy to pass this expense to the customer for those choosing to pay using a credit card.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. Craig presented the Waterworks Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013. He requested approval to pay off the bond of $21M. Commissioner Patrick made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Smith. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Jimmy Hailey presented Contract 321-Rural Water Line bid results. There were six submissions received. Commissioner Lynch made a motion to award the bid to G. Meeks, seconded by Commissioner Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Goodson attended a recent Rutherford County Budget and Finance Committee Meeting and County Commission Meeting regarding ARP Funds. The County has approved CUD receiving the funding from the County.
• Mr. Goodson stated that he and Mr. Alan Stuemke attended the recent Rutherford County Planning Commission meeting regarding fire hydrant spacing and fire flow changes to the Fire Code. Fire hydrants in new subdivisions will be spaced at 500 feet compared to the current 1,000 feet, but the fire flow was continued at the current 500 gallons per minute instead of the proposed 1,000 gallons per minute.
• Mr. Goodson advised the board that Invoice Cloud has given a 60-day notice of a rate increase. Our current rate is $1.75. It will increase to $2.15. It is CUD’s policy to pass this expense to the customer for those choosing to pay using a credit card.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
• President Woodruff welcomed Mr. Stephen Byrd, an auditor for Edmonson, Betzler, & Dame. Mr. Byrd presented copies of the audit for the year which ended June 30, 2022. Mr. Byrd noted that internal controls were good and as required. The independent auditor’s opinion was that the financial statements presented the district’s financial position and operations “…in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles”. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Goodson presented the bid results from the Phase 2 Renovations Project. He stated that bids two were received. Tenant Building Group’s submitted a bid for $266,160. Hawkins & Price’s submitted a bid for $408,141. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Jason Laxon presented the Sycamore Grove property transfer request of 1.33 acres to the developer. Commissioner Lynch made a motion granting Mr. Goodson approval to sign applicable documents to transfer this property to the developer of Sycamore Grove, seconded by Commissioner Patrick. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Goodson stated CUD will get a Resolution to pay off the 2013 Bonds.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 1:oo p.m.
• Mr. Jason Laxson presented a potential cost sharing agreement with Craig Sewel for a water line relocation along Cheatham Springs Road. The owner wants to relocate a 4-inch water main, and he will incur all the cost and provide labor. The cost difference to upsize the water main is $9,374.46. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Alan Stuemke presented a revised agreement for the Communication Tower at Halls Hill Tank Site with the City of Murfreesboro. This agreement was approved at the last board meeting, but the city has requested a few minor changes. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Laxson explained the request for a property swap with the developer of Creeks Bend CUD STEP property swap. The CUD Board was asked to consider approval of this property swap, pending final review of the deed and final plat. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Laxson presented a request for reimbursement for Creeks Bend, Section 1, Phase 7 development. The developer is requesting reimbursement in the amount of $12,240.00 for the cost of ductile iron pipe over the cost of PVC pipe. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Laxson presented a request for reimbursement for Stover’s Glen, Section 3 development. CUD elected to upsize a portion of the ductile iron water main from 10” to 16” to help serve the overall area and future developments. The developer requested reimbursement for the cost difference to upsize 845 feet of water main in the amount of $37,838.30. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Goodson presented a request for approval for fleet purchases. The list presented totaled $580,000, which includes three F-150 pick up trucks, three F-550 trucks, and one Expedition 4X4 ($427,000). This motion passed unanimously.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 1:oo p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
• Mr. Bryant Bradley presented an agreement with Middle Tennessee Electric for an easement at Long Creek. MTE wants a new power pole. No conflicts with CUD. Mr. Bradley further explained TVA gave approval to sign. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Alan Stuemke presented the Halls Hills Tank Site Agreement. He stated this replaced last year’s agreement which expired. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Jimmy Hailey presented the Contract 519 Change Order #1. Following discussion. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Roger Goodson presented a permit to allow an easement from CSX along the railroad at Polly Thickett Road and Christiana/Fosterville Road for $31,020. This motion passed unanimously.
• Mr. Roger Goodson asked for Board approval for him to sign the easement agreement with CSX for the abovementioned cause. This motion passed unanimously.
• The August 2022 Capital Investment Program Report was included explaining updates on CIP projects which are currently active.
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
• Mr. Forte provided results from the SCADA panels bid. Commissioner Patrick moved to accept the lowest bid from Lord & Company for $314,753.00. Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, and it passed.
• Mr. Craig presented results for pipe fittings, commonly referred to as brass. Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the bids as highlighted on Addendum A provided all parts are the exact parts that were specified in the bid specs. If the parts are not correct, the next lowest bidder with the exact specified part will be awarded. Commissioner Owens seconded the motion. The motion passed.
• Mr. Jimmy Hailey reported the results from the bid for the Berkshire service line replacements, Contract 222. Mr. Hailey noted that the road will need to be
repaved after the lines are replaced, since there are over 275 lines to be replaced. The city has agreed to pave the road in its entirety if CUD pays half of the cost, not to exceed $400,000. Commissioner Owens moved to accept the bid from Hawkins & Price for $2,106,230.00. Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, and it
• Mr. Stuemke opened discussion about hiring a consultant for CD’s selection process for asset management software. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the contract as written. Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
• A motion was made by Commissioner Patrick to accept the settlement offer in the Thompson Farms case of $52,500.00. Commissioner Owens seconded. Motion passed.
Tuesday, July 26th, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
- Mr. Chris Mabrey and Mr. John Argo were in attendance to discuss an easement release and a new easement dedication for the Westlawn commercial development. Commissioner Lynch made a motion to accept the easement release pending approval from Jeff Reed. Commissioner Patrick seconded. Motion passed.
- Mr. Mike Craig presented the Monthly Purchase Report. The motion passed.
- The June 2022 Water Adjustment Report was reviewed. Commissioner Owens moved the report be accepted as presented. The motion passed.
- Mr. Craig furnished a resolution to allow CUD to purchase a raw water pump for the Water Treatment Plant without going to bid. The reasoning behind this is because these raw water pumps have such specific parameters that there’s really only one place to purchase the pump anyway. Furthermore, he said, the reason we’re getting his pump is in case of an emergency which means we need to get it sooner rather than later. Commissioner Owens moved to approve the resolution, and Commissioner Patrick seconded. The motion passed.
- Tuesday, June 28th, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
- Board meeting agenda viewable here
- Mr. Goodson explained the need for a spare raw water pump down at the Water Treatment Plant to avoid down time and save money by only having to rent a crane
once to replace a pump. Mr. Mike Craig was asked to look into the bidding regulations for this purchase. The motion passed. - There was a discussion about the revisions to the by-laws, plus adding the section about the commissioner emeritus. A motion was proposed to approve the changes, and the motion passed.
- Revisions to hiring/recruiting practices were discussed including: revised nepotism policy, 45-minute radius for on-call hiring, and adding graduate school to the tuition reimbursement, following the IRS guidelines. The motion passed.
- The Board reviewed and adopted the budget for Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023.
- Mr. Mike Sumner furnished proposals from United Communications and Comcast for fiber connections for the tanks and pump stations. United Communications pricing was significantly less expensive: $2,799 set up fee and $5,160 per month. A motion was made and passed to accept the proposal from United Communications.
- Mr. Bryant Bradley presented a quote for Itron cellular radio modules and adapters. A motion was made and accepted to accept the quote for a total of $7,111,187.30.
Tuesday, May 24th, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
- Mr. Mike Craig presented the proposed budget for upcoming fiscal year 2022-2023.
- Mr. Stuemke presented an agreement for an easement for an EMS Com Tower at the Halls Hill tank site. A motion was made and passed to approve the agreement.
- The April 2022 Capital Investment Program Report was included explaining updates on CIP projects which are currently active.
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
- Mr. Craig presented bid results for a backhoe loader. Diamond Equipment was the lowest bidder and they have it in stock. A motion was made and passed to accept the lowest bid from Diamond Equipment for a Case brand backhoe loader for $111,425.00.
- Mr. Stuemke provided a letter from the Town of Smyrna regarding rezoning for the Seminary Road Pump Station. A motion was offered and passed to agree to let Smyrna re-zone both parcels.
- Mr. Jimmy Hailey presented a change order for Contract 418, which is a decrease for $414.04. The motion was approved.
- A discussion ensued regarding an increase in tap and other system development fees. Mr. Goodson said he would bring the fee increase recommendations to the Board during a workshop in a month or two, once all items were ready.
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
- Mr. Goodson brought forth the topic of the charges CUD was assessing for various system development items. Currently, the current fees do not cover expenses. A motion was made and passed to adopt the charges as listed at the end of these minutes beginning July 1st.
- Mr. Craig presented the bid results for tank inspections. The lowest bid was $8,775.00 by US Underwater. They have good references and meet all requirements to do the work as specified. A motion was made to accept the bid from US Underwater by Commissioner Lynch. Commissioner Patrick seconded, and the motion passed.
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
- Mr. Stuemke revisited the topic of the Vincion Road water line extensions. The question that was posed, asked if the water taps and minimum bills were going to be required by just the current landowners, or current and future owners of the properties. Commissioner Lynch motioned to adopt option B, requiring current and future landowners to pay the tap fee and pay the minimum bill thereafter. The motion passed.
- Mr. Craig presented a purchase request for 2-ton Ford F150s at state pricing of $30,827.00 for each truck. Motion carried.
- Mr. Hailey presented a change order for Contract 119, Rocky Fork Road Water Line Replacement, Phase 2. The change order decreased the original pricing by $16,371.50, causing the total for the entire contract to be $1,909,218.50. The motion passed.
- Mr. Hailey presented a change order for Contract 220, Water System Improvements. The change order increased the original pricing by $16,169.00, causing the total for the entire contract to be $580,889.00. The motion passed.
- Mr. Hailey presented a change order for Contract 219, Lebanon Pike Water Transmission Main. The change order decreased the original pricing by $226,197.50, causing the total for the entire contract to be $2,136,874.50. The motion passed.
Tuesday, January 25th, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Board meeting agenda viewable here
- The Honorable Judge Toby Gilley was present to officiate the swearing-in Oath of Office ceremony for Hassel “Trey” Smith. Mr. Smith took the oath of office in compliance with Article 10, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, and Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 8-18-107. Vice President Woodruff asked Attorney Roger Hudson to preside over the election of officers for 2022. Mr. Hudson opened the floor for nominations for President. Commissioner Owens nominated Carter Woodruff. Commissioner Patrick seconded and the motion passed. Mr. Hudson called for nominations to cease and Mr. Woodruff be elected by acclamation. The motion carried.
- President Woodruff opened the floor for nominations for Vice-President. Commissioner Lynch nominated Rosemary Owens. Commissioner Woodruff moved for nominations to cease and Dr. Owens be elected by acclamation. Motion carried. Dr. Owens was then elected Vice-President.
- President Woodruff opened the floor for nominations for Secretary/Treasurer. Commissioner Owens nominated Craig Lynch. Commissioner Patrick seconded. Commissioner Woodruff moved for nominations to cease and Mr. Lynch be elected by acclamation. Motion carried. Mr. Lynch was then elected Secretary/Treasurer.
- The officers for 2022 are as follows: President, Carter Woodruff; Vice- President, Rosemary Owens; Secretary/Treasurer, Craig Lynch.
- Commissioner Lynch moved to offer CUD’s advisor position to Mr. Allen Swader effective February 1, 2022 for a one-year term. Motion carried.
- Attorney Roger Hudson presented recommended changes to the Board by-laws to include the ability to appoint an emeritus commissioner, cleaning up language to align with current policies, and the ability to have a consent agenda on the Board meeting agenda. Motion passed.
- Mr. Goodson explained the need for a spare raw water pump down at the Water Treatment Plant to avoid down time and save money by only having to rent a crane