Five basic steps to help prevent frozen pipes
As water freezes, it expands and causes pressure on pipes and they can bust as an end result. Damage can occur not only in the pipes, but other areas of the home, too. This can be expensive to repair for homeowners, so taking precautions to prevent frozen water pipes is always a good step. You may hire a plumbing bellingham WA, to help you correct your plumbing system. If you fail to do this, then you might need the help of a water damage restoration company in the future. Just visit Robinson Restoration`s official website and get the help you need! You can get a free estimate quote from them and grab the great deals they offer.
Below are five steps to help protect against frozen pipes:
- Close crawl spaces vents and also keep garage doors closed as well.
- The thermostat is key when it comes to cold weather. Keep the temperature at 65° F at a minimum and if you are leaving for vacation then do not let it go below 55° F.
- In extreme cold temperatures, let water drip from a faucet. Even small drops will help prevent frozen pipes.
- Another way to protect pipes is to wrap them in heating tape. The tape only needs to be around a ¼ inch, but it can aid in insulation such as Stellrr Insulation & Spray Foam website. Newspaper can also work if the temperature is not an extreme case.
- For outdoor items such as water hoses, make sure they are unscrewed from water faucets. It is also good practice to check other areas around the house where water lines may be located. When it comes to swimming pools, water should be drained.
In addition to insulation and sealing cracks, another effective method for winter pipe protection, recommended by an ohio plumber and beyond, is to install heat tape or cables along exposed pipes. These can provide a constant source of low-level heat, preventing freezing in extremely cold conditions. Combine these measures for a comprehensive approach to safeguarding your pipes during winter. And if you need emergency plumbing services, you may contact a professional in plumbing repair in Everett, WA for expert plumbing services.