Board Meeting Minutes (July – December 2021)

Tuesday, December 28th, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. and Mrs. Sherry and Don Carpenter were in attendance to ask for an easement that CUD currently holds on their property to be returned to them. Jeff
Reed and James Hailey both said this is a highly unusual request that they had not seen before. The easement was granted to CUD via condemnation years ago.
President Batey thanked Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter for their attendance at the meeting and said CUD will do some research on the matter and the Board will
discuss and let them know the decision at a later date.
• President Batey then welcomed Mrs. Ruth Reeves and Mr. Michael Smith. They were in attendance to discuss getting a variance for a fence that they plan
to install. This would be a wire farm type fence and the fence would mostly be ten feet from the water line, but in order to keep the fence straight, there would be some places that the distance from the water line would be fewer than ten feet. After discussion, Commissioner Lynch moved to direct CUD employees to go
onsite and work with Mrs. Reeves and Mr. Smith to get visuals of where the fence would be and what kind of fence is being used, then bring these exhibits back to the next Board meeting. Commissioner Owens seconded; motion passed.
• Mr. Goodson brought the topic of a new Expert Advisor to replace the seat Commissioner Smith is vacating to become a Commissioner. Commissioner Patrick
moved to nominate Dr. Robin Blackman to the Advisor role. Commissioner Owens seconded, and the motion passed.
• At this time, a discussion was held regarding training for the Advisor roles. Commissioner Lynch moved that Advisors shall earn 9 training hours in 2022, and
to bring this topic back for discussion in December 2022. Commissioner Woodruff seconded Commissioner Lynch’s motion. The motion passed.
• Mr. Mike Sumner presented bid results for server storage. The low bidder was Mainline Information Systems for a total of $181,969.14. Mr. Sumner recommended the lowest bid be accepted. Commissioner Owens motioned to accept the bid. Commissioner Patrick seconded, and the motion passed.
• Mr. Sumner presented bid results for AV Room kit to go in the new board room. Trace 3 was the lowest bidder, and Mr. Sumner recommended accepting the low bidder. Commissioner Woodruff motioned to accept Trace 3’s bid of $49,010.60. Commissioner Patrick seconded. The motion passed.
• Mr. Goodson presented a cost sharing agreement with Kingdom Crest Commercial for water line relocation. Commissioner Owens motioned to give Roger Hudson the authority to sign the document. Commissioner Patrick seconded, and the motion passed.
• Mr. Craig presented bids for vegetation management for STEP fields. The lowest bidder was Volunteer Vegetation Management at a cost of $0.036 per linear foot. Commissioner Owens moved to accept the lowest bid. Commissioner Patrick seconded and the motion carried.
• Mr. Sumner presented an annual renewal with the GIS management system, ESRI for $25,000. Commissioner Patrick moved to accept the renewal. The motion carried with a second from Commissioner Owens.
• Mr. Hailey presented bid results for Contract 419. Hawkins and Price came in as the lowest bidder at $6,299,785.00. Mr. Hailey said that we have worked with
Hawkins and Price quite a bit and we always like the work they do. Commissioner Patrick motioned to accept the bid from Hawkins and Price. The motion passed with a second from Commissioner Owens.
• Mr. Goodson presented a construction easement with Middle Tennessee Electric, as they are building a new building behind the admin building. Commissioner Woodruff motioned to give Roger Goodson the authority to sign the easement. Commissioner Lynch seconded, and the motion carried.
• Ms. Kerri Wagner furnished the attached Customer Report providing status information for November 2021. As of the last day of November 2021, there are
65,699 total customer accounts.
• Mr. Joe Fisher summarized work done on STEP systems in November 2021. As of November 31, 2021, CUD has 65 recirculating sand filter treatment (STEP) systems in service with 7,318 approved STEP tanks in operation, an increase of 46 units from last month.

Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. Andrew Kuchta was in attendance to ask for an encroachment agreement as his fence is encroaching into CUD’s right of way and is on top of our water main. Mr. Kuchta stated that he would like to make an encroachment agreement with CUD, as moving the fence so it is outside of CUD’s easement area will cut his yard in half. President Batey thanked Mr. Kuchta for his attendance at the meeting and said the Board will discuss and let Mr. Kuchta know the decision.
• President Batey welcomed Stephen Byrd, an auditor for Edmonson, Betzler, & Dame, presented copies of the audit report for the year which ended June 30,
2021. The report was discussed in detail and Stephen Byrd gave thanks to Mike Craig and the CUD staff for their timely assistance. Mr. Byrd noted that internal controls were good and as required; CUD fully disclosed the results of an outsourced investigation to the State. The independent auditor’s opinion was that
the financial statements presented the District’s financial position and operations “…in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles”. Following
review and discussion of this report, Commissioner Lynch moved the draft audit be accepted as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Owens. The
motion carried.
• Commissioner Woodruff presented a plaque to President Batey, honoring his service to the Board of Commissioners for 35 years. President Batey thanked
• President Batey presented a plaque to Commissioner Owens, honoring 25 years of service to the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Owens said she was
thankful for this honor.
• Mr. Craig presented bid results for retrofit meter registers which need replacement. G&C Supply Co. was the low bidder at $46.84 each. Commissioner
Owens motioned to accept the bid from G&C Supply. The motion passed with a second from Commissioner Patrick.
• Mr. Hailey said he had two items of interest to bring to the Board today. The first one is that the Contract 419 South Loop Transmission Main- Phase 1 bid is
out and closes on December 14th.
• Mr. Hailey’s second item was to inform the Board that the piece of property previously approved by the Board on Compton Road is now up for auction. Mr. Hailey said he would like to request authorization for the General Manager and/or his designee to purchase the property at auction. Commissioner Woodruff made the motion and Commissioner Lynch seconded. The motion passed.
• We have received our bond rating from S&P, and it remains “AAA”.
• At this time, Commissioner Patrick motioned to revise the agenda to allow for discussion and election of candidates to submit to the County Mayor Ketron
to take the place of President Batey when he retires. Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, and it passed.
• Commissioner Patrick motioned to send the following nominees for Commissioner to County Mayor Ketron:
o Hassel Smith
o Phillip Pinion
o Allen Swader
Commissioner Woodruff seconded. Motion passed.
• Ms. Kerri Wagner furnished the attached Customer Report providing status information for October 2021. As of the last day of October 2021, there are 65,564 total customer accounts.
• Mr. Joe Fisher summarized work done on STEP systems in October 2021. As of October 31, 2021, CUD has 65 recirculating sand filter treatment (STEP) systems in service with 7,253 approved STEP tanks in operation, an increase of 61 units from last month.

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
• The Honorable Toby Gilley was present to officiate the swearing-in Oath of Office ceremony for CUD’s Board Commissioners Craig Lynch and Carter
Woodruff. Commissioner Woodruff was sworn in remotely, due to Covid. Craig Lynch and Carter Woodruff each took the oath of office in compliance with Article 10, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, and Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 8-18-107. Judge Gilley thanked the Board members for allowing him the opportunity to preside over the ceremony and for their work for the community.
*Commissioner Woodruff attended remotely only for his swearing-in.
• Mr. Goodson requested to raise the employee cap from 125 to 150. He said that he would like to move it that high, so we don’t have to come back and revisit
this so often, especially since CUD’s growth has been so rapid in recent years. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Patrick to raise the employee cap from 125 to 135. Commissioner Owens seconded. Motion passed.
• Mr. Forte presented a request for licenses for the Wonderware software licenses for $24,127.01 plus $5,084.13 for optional training. Commissioner Patrick
made a motion to accept the quote. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Owens and carried.
• Mr. Goodson presented a reimbursement agreement with John T. Holloway for Silverhill Partners, who is the developer for Creeksbend. CUD will share the cost for installing ductile iron pipe instead of class 52. Commissioner Patrick motioned to accept the agreement. The motion passed with a second from Commissioner Lynch.
• Mr. Hailey presented a change order with Meeks regarding Contract 320 Asbury Road and Burnt Knob. Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the change order. The motion passed with a second from Commissioner Owens.
• Ms. Kerri Wagner furnished the attached Customer Report providing status information for September 2021. As of the last day of September 2021, there are
65,332 total customer accounts.
• Mr. Joe Fisher summarized work done on STEP systems in September 2021. As of September 30, 2021, CUD has 65 recirculating sand filter treatment (STEP)
systems in service with 7,183 approved STEP tanks in operation, an increase of 43 units from last month.

Tuesday, September 24th, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mrs. Joan Kellermann and Mr. Eddie Jernigan were in attendance to request a water line extension for their part of Vincion Road. She had prepared a
packet with her request to show that there would be more than 8 taps since neighbors on this street also wanted water, and Mrs. Kellermann is planning on
subdividing part of her property in large tracts. After discussion, Commissioner Lynch moved to extend water lines on Vincion Road. Commissioner Woodruff
second the motion, and it passed.
• Mr. Sam Crewse from Stevens was in attendance to speak about the debt CUD is currently carrying and how to put the utility in an even stronger financial
position than it already is. With the current interest rates at historic lows, he recommended prepaying current bonds and taking new bonds with the much
lower interest rate. Commissioner Woodruff motioned to give Comptroller Mike Craig the authority to proceed with securing these bonds. Commissioner Lynch
seconded. Motion carried.
• President Batey announced his retirement. The December Board meeting will be his last.
• Commissioner Owens had distributed information regarding a new potential advisor- Dr. Robin Blackman. Commissioner Owens expressed her desire to make the Board more diverse – women and people of color – to better represent the true population of Rutherford County. Dr. Blackman intends to attend the
October meeting, and the other Board members and advisors said they would love to meet her.
• Ms. Cindy Judkins brought back the Hybrid Remote Work policy with the edits Commissioner Woodruff had recommended. Commissioner Woodruff
moved that the policy be adopted. Commissioner Owens seconded. The motion passed.
• President Batey advised that Carter Woodruff’s term as CUD Commissioner expires on 11/15/21 and requested action on this item. President Batey asked for three names in order of preference to present to the Rutherford County Mayor for selection. Commissioner Lynch moved to submit the following names for
appointment as CUD Commissioner:
• Carter Woodruff
• Hassel Smith, III
• Chip Pinion
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Owens and passed. Attorney Roger Hudson was requested to proceed with the paperwork to fill the new four-year
term beginning 11/15/21 and forward to Mayor Ketron for appointment.
• President Batey made the Board aware that Craig Lynch’s term as CUD Commissioner expires on 11/15/2021 and requested action on this item. President Batey advised the procedure for this position is for CUD to recommend three names in order of preference to the Rutherford County Mayor, and the selection for appointment will be chosen from the names recommended. Commissioner Woodruff moved to submit the following names for appointment as CUD
• Craig Lynch
• Hassel Smith, III
• Chip Pinion
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Owens and passed. Attorney Roger Hudson will be requested to proceed with the paperwork to fill the new four-year term beginning 11/15/17 and forward to Mayor Ketron for appointment.
• Mr. Goodson explained that CUD’s costs for fire hydrants exceed our prices for installing them. He requested that the prices be increased to cover costs.
Commissioner Lynch motioned to change the pricing as laid out in the Board packet. Commissioner Owens seconded, and the motion passed.
• Mr. Goodson said his meeting with Mayor Ketron went well. The ARP money is already earmarked for first responder buildings throughout the county.
They had a good conversation and will talk more as time goes on.
• Ms. Kerri Wagner furnished the attached Customer Report providing status information for August 2021. As of the last day of August 2021, there are 64,937
total customer accounts.
• Mr. Joe Fisher summarized work done on STEP systems in August 2021. As of August 31, 2021, CUD has 65 recirculating sand filter treatment (STEP) systems in service with 7,807 approved STEP tanks in operation, an increase of 50 units from last month.
• The Water Treatment Plant Monthly Finished Water Pumped shows the average amount of water pumped daily for August 2021 was 14.2556 million gallons.

Tuesday, August 24th, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. Goodson presented an emergency succession plan in an unforeseen vacancy of the General Manager. The previous version included individuals who
have since retired from CUD. The new succession plan in the event of a sudden vacancy of the General Manager’s position is, in this order: Bryant Bradley, Mike
Craig, and Alan Stuemke. Commissioner Lynch made a motion to approve the succession plan as presented. Commissioner Patrick seconded; motion passed.
• Mr. Sumner presented a quote from iDashboards to keep key metrics and performance indicators in a centralized location, updating in real time, and to be
able to easily pull the information for reporting to the Board. A motion was made by Commissioner Lynch to accept the quote, which is $26,800 for the first year,
and then $16,000 for the next two. After that, all will be able to be done in-house. Commissioner Woodruff seconded. Motion passed.
• Mr. Craig presented a proposal of insurance and risk management as it relates to pollution. The proposal covers a three-year period. A discussion was held
regarding the contract, and Commissioner Woodruff motioned to accept the contract. Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, and it passed.
• Mr. Goodson gave an update on the current Covid situation. He said he would like to extend the FFCRA 80 hours of sick time to be used when dealing with Covid or quarantines. The Federal government has not extended but in the situations we have, where people are new and haven’t built up sick time yet, it is
beginning to be a problem. Commissioner Lynch motioned to extend the 80 additional hours for quarantine or isolation for Covid. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patrick. The motion passed.
• Ms. Kerri Wagner furnished the attached Customer Report providing status information for July 2021. As of the last day of July 2021, there are 64,937 total
customer accounts.
• Mr. Joe Fisher summarized work done on STEP systems in July 2021. As of July 31, 2021, CUD has 65 recirculating sand filter treatment (STEP) systems in service with 7,807 approved STEP tanks in operation, an increase of 50 units from last month.
• The Water Treatment Plant Monthly Finished Water Pumped shows the average amount of water pumped daily for July 2021 was 14.2556 million gallons. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:02 p.m.

Tuesday, July 27th, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
• Mr. Stuemke presented an agreement with Atmos Energy to relocate their pipeline during the upcoming New Salem Highway widening project. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodruff to approve the easement. Motion passed with a second from Commissioner Owens.
• A hold harmless agreement with Achiever Development, LLC was discussed. The agreement would allow the developer to construct water mains within the Stewarts Creek Cottages subdivision without waiting for the off-site water system improvements to be finished first. This agreement states that CUD will not approve the final plat for the subdivision until the Briley Road pump station is completed. Commissioner Patrick moved to accept the agreement. Commissioner Owens seconded, and the motion passed.
• Mr. Jimmy Hailey said they had been in five different progress meetings that day. Most are progressing well, and a few small issues are outstanding. Commissioner Woodruff asked if there will be more storage tanks needed in the future. Mr. Hailey said there undoubtedly would, but we must balance water storage carefully to maintain water quality.
• There is a person asking about extending the water lines at 794 Fosterville Road. This has been previously discussed in 2019, and was approved by the Board, however, there is some question about the need for an interbasin permit. Mr. Stuemke said he will talk to TDEC about what is needed to get an interbasin permit.
• Commissioner Lynch asked Mr. Goodson about a complaint received in the Stewart Creek Farms subdivision. Mr. Goodson said the complaint has been investigated. Continuous pressure monitors over the weekend showed the timing of the low pressure coincides with the Rocky Fork Pump Station turning on, bringing the pressure down to about 50-60 psi. This is normal pressure; the State of Tennessee only requires 20 psi. He also noted that eventually Stewart Creek Farms will connect with the 12-inch line in Southaven, so the pressure will improve after that occurs.
• Ms. Kerri Wagner furnished the attached Customer Report providing status information for June 2021. As of the last day of June 2021, there are 64,442 total customer accounts.
• Mr. Joe Fisher summarized work done on STEP systems in June 2021. As of June 30, 2021, CUD has 64 recirculating sand filter treatment (STEP) systems in service with 6,955 approved STEP tanks in operation, an increase of 69 units from last month.
• The Water Treatment Plant Monthly Finished Water Pumped shows the average amount of water pumped daily for June 2021 was 14.2556 million gallons.