Payment Extension
Please read the policy on Payment Extensions and click on “Agree” at the bottom to continue
The Commissioners of CONSOLIDATED UTILITY DISTRICT (CUD) delegate to the General Manager, or his designated representatives, the authority to extend water service beyond the disconnect date up to seven (7) days. Such extensions shall be granted only at the customer’s request and should be supported by reasons deemed appropriate for delayed payment, such as paying on a leak, illnesses or child(ren) at the residence alone.
CUD does not allow extensions for returned checks. CUD does not allow an extension on extensions. No extensions will be allowed for accounts that are locked or have their meter pulled for non-payment. Extensions will not be granted on a regular or frequent basis for any customer.
Any extension granted should be supported by a Payment Commitment Form completed by the customer by noon on the business day preceding the scheduled disconnect day. This form can be completed at CUD’s office or completed on CUD’s website at CUD will not accept requests for extensions via phone or facsimile.
Failure to honor the extension will result in disconnect of water service for non-payment for the said extension plus the disconnect fee, and payment will be due in full for water service to be reconnected. Failure to honor two (2) consecutive requests will result in a no extension agreement allowed for one year.