Core Values

Our Core Values — our S.P.I.R.I.T. — guide our business decisions and the culture of our workforce. These form the backbone and the heart of how we interact with our coworkers and how we serve our ratepayers. Our Core Values are:
Safety – Always use best industry practices for safe operation in all of our work.
People – Preserve our respectful. loyal, diverse, self-motivated workforce.
Integrity – Uphold ethical and trustworthy relationships with coworkers and ratepayers.
Responsibility – Stand accountable for our actions. Be a good neighbor and citizen of Rutherford County.
Innovation – Continually challenge the process – embrace learning and respect for different viewpoints, philosophies, physical ability, belief, and personalities.
Teamwork – Always work together to achieve a common goal. Encourage collaboration.
Essential Truths About CUD – Because many of our employees and staff interact with the public, we have opportunities to inform our ratepayers about the business model of our utility. The operating structure of CUD and Tennessee state law grant us a favorable working environment. The essential truths of CUD are as follows:
• We exist to serve our ratepayers.
• We are funded by tap fees and monthly bills.
• CUD is nonprofit and considered part of county government.
• State law allowed for the creation of CUD.
• CUD is subject to all Tennessee state government meeting laws.
• We operate by EPA and state conservation regulations.
• Any and all profits CUD makes are re-invested into capital improvements and debt reduction.
Standards of Behavior – We believe whole-heartedly in the Golden Rule, and CUD provides the following guidance and expectations about living that out on a daily basis. Because we provide an essential service to our community, we set the bar high in terms of our work standards. CUD and its entire workforce agree to:
1. Inform and stay informed
2. Be optimistic, open-minded, innovative, and flexible
3. Use inclusive language (we, our, and us)
4. Maintain dignity, respect, integrity, and confidentiality
5. Do what is ethical regardless of the consequences
6. Work through supervisors to implement changes.
7. Be dedicated to excellence in our performance, fulfill our responsibilities, and “get it done.”
8. Be supportive of one another at work and back each other up.
9. Address conflict before it escalates, contacting the other party directly, rather than working around him/her/them.
10. Be respectful of conversations/work in progress and not intrude unless invited.
11. Treat mistakes as learning experiences and try not to repeat them in the future.
12. Learn/Teach – if you don’t know it, learn it; if you do know it, teach it.